Our Ramsay Lecture series is a free public lecture series featuring prominent international and local speakers from all walks of life including politics, academia and business to encourage wider interest in and knowledge of western civilisation.
The lectures are in-person events held in Sydney, with occasional lectures interstate or hosted at our partner Australian universities.
We also make videos and podcasts of these events to ensure they can be accessed by a wider audience.
*If you would like to receive invitations to our lectures or information about our online offerings, please send an email to and include your name, company, telephone number and email address.
* Podcasts and videos of our Ramsay Lectures are also available on the News & Media page of this website as well as our dedicated YouTube channel.
The Ramsay Centre would like to stress that the views expressed are those of our speakers/authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ramsay Centre’s staff, advisers, directors or officers.