UOW Ramsay Scholar attends National Leadership Forum

Oct 4, 2022 | Announcements, News & Media

Sydney, Wednesday 05 October 2022: 2020 UOW Ramsay Scholar Winny Li had the special opportunity to participate in the 2022 National Leadership Forum in Canberra recently.

First established in 1997, the National Leadership Forum is a leadership development gathering of young Australians.

It is hosted by a multi-party group of federal parliamentarians who share a commitment to equip the next generation of Australia’s leaders. Young leaders are accepted into the program after being nominated by an individual, organisation or tertiary education provider. 

The four-day program includes keynote addresses by political and business leaders, leadership workshops, small group sessions and panel discussions. Young leaders spend time with MPs, business leaders and other young leaders ‘to consider who they are as leaders, how they can expand their leadership repertoire, and how they may use their authentic leadership to serve others.’

Winny Li has a long association with the Ramsay Centre. Currently in her third year of the University of Wollongong (UOW) BA in Western Civilisation degree, Winny also attended the Ramsay Centre’s inaugural Summer Program for high-achieving high school students in 2019.  

Winny said she attended the 2022 National Leadership Forum hoping to be a role-model for the study of the liberal arts and to showcase her values as a Ramsay Scholar.

Reflecting on the experience, Winny said the four days of activities “both challenged and reaffirmed my ideas around what it means to be a leader.”

“With seminars and workshops being delivered by politicians, indigenous community leaders and NGO executives, the wide range of experiences, industries and backgrounds gave a diverse and authentic representation of the different ways in which we can lead,” Winny said.

“It was an amazing time where I dug deep to find what being a leader meant and whether or not I was living up to this ideal in my daily life. I went in thinking that being a leader is to inspire and encourage those around me to grow. I left realising that I am incredibly lucky to have received the leadership, the opportunities and support from the organisation and individuals around me.

“I am not a self-made woman. My achievements are built upon the hard work of my family, my friends, my teachers, mentors and each and every person who has believed in me and given me a chance.

“I’d like to thank both the Ramsay Centre for their generosity as well as the School of Liberal Arts from the University of Wollongong for sponsoring me when I would’ve otherwise been unable to attend the Forum. 

“Their contributions are a form of leadership as they set the precedent for my own actions and ethos to continue to strive to create and provide more opportunities for those in my communities.”

Media contact:    Sarah Switzer 0407 816 098/ sarah.switzer@ramsaycentre.org